This service provides UNC Faculty, Staff and Students email accounts which are provided
through Microsoft Office 365. Faculty and Staff emails are the combination of your
first & last name, sometimes with a middle initial for uniqueness. (For example, professor
Klawz Bear’s email would be Student emails are the first four
letters of your last name with four random numbers. (For example, student Klawz Bear’s
email would be
Shared Mailbox - Shared mailboxes provide a means to receive email at a general (rather
than personal) address. Mail is delivered to a centralized location where it can
be accessed by multiple people.
- To request a to have a new shared mailbox created, go to the Support Portal and type in the keyword “Shared Mailbox” select “New Shared Mailbox Request”
- To request access to an existing shared mailbox, go to the Support Portal and type in the keyword “Shared Mailbox” select “Shared Mailbox Access”
Available for – Faculty, Staff, Students, GA, TA